My name is Shayla Hawkins and I'm the owner/principle wedding and event planner for Shayla Hawkins Events also known as SHE. If I had to choose only three words to describe SHE, they are Stylish, cHic, and modErn. We are very style conscious as we cater to our client's vision to create a unique and fabulous event. We shoot for the 'WOW' factor and push to take your vision to new heights. I absolutely LOVE what I do! My favorite part of the planning process is the look on someone's face once they see all of the ideas, details, and planning come to life! I recently launched SHE's website (http://www.shaylahawkinsevents.com/) where you can check out more information about myself, the services offered, and view photos. Now, I'm ready to blog about all the latest trends, haute decor, fab ideas, fun inspirations, and the do's/don'ts in weddings and events! I'm excited!!! Make sure you check back often and become a follower of Things SHE Loves....I want to hear from you so please give me your feedback, questions, and comments! Tell me your reaction at the bottom of each post...Super Fab, Heart It, or Exciting! *note the S-H-E ;-)
Let the blogging begin.....
Happy Planning!
Photo Credit: Jordan Beckham Photography
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